Case 4: Tokusan with His Bundle Tokusan arrived at Isan. Carrying his bundle under his arm, he stepped into the Dharma hall. He walked across it from east to west and from west to east. Looking around he said, "None, none!" and went out. (Setcho [1] commented: "Seen through!") But when he got to the entrance gate, Tokusan said, "Still, I shouldn't be so hasty." So, he dressed formally and entered again to meet Isan. As Isan sat at his place, Tokusan held up his sitting cloth in a ceremonial manner and said, "Master!" Isan was about to take his whisk, when suddenly Tokusan shouted, "Kaatz!" Then he flourished his sleeves and went out. (Setcho commented: "Seen through!") Turning his back on the Dharma hall, Tokusan put on his straw sandals and left. In the evening, Isan asked the head monk, "Where is the newcomer who was here a while ago?" The head monk said, "He soon turned his back on the Dharma hall, put on his straw sandals and went away." Isan said, "One day that fellow will build a grass hut upon a lonely peak, and scold the buddhas and abuse the patriarchs." (Setcho commented: "Piling up frost on top of snow.") [1]: Setcho Zenji is the compiler of the Hekiganroku. [2]: In Japanese: hossu i.e. a stick with a flexible whisk on top